Many people judge motorcycle riders unfairly, assuming they are thrill-seeking, reckless, or irresponsible. This negative impression, or “biker bias,” can cost bikers who have been injured in traffic wrecks. Biker bias is often responsible for unfairly reducing the amount of compensation injured riders are awarded, and sometimes preventing them from recovering any damages at all for their losses. Our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys have spent years fighting against this undue bias in courtrooms and at negotiating tables.
Experience Matters
When choosing a law firm, there is no substitute for experience. We’ve dedicated our careers to helping injured people rebuild their lives after serious accidents. As a leading Hudson Valley personal injury firm, we have earned a reputation for excellence through a history of successful verdicts and settlements. This dedication has helped obtain justice in multiple recent cases.
After defeating a pretrial motion to dismiss, attorney Joseph E. O’Connor used accident reconstruction evidence to prove that a driver of a New York State Department of Corrections van was at fault for the death of an Ulster County motorcyclist. The State of New York had denied any responsibility for the accident throughout the case’s litigation, blaming the fatally injured motorcyclist instead. Prior to trial, the final settlement offer by New York State was $600,000.00.
After several years of contested litigation, attorney Joseph E. O’Connor was able to secure a settlement for an Ulster County man who was injured in a motor vehicle accident involving a drunk driver.
$1,800,000.00 MOTORCYCLE WRECK
The biker was accused of speeding and received 15 traffic citations while the defendant driver went uncharged. Unfortunately, due to the severity of his accident-related injuries, the motorcyclist had no recollection of the crash. Within 12 hours of the collision, our accident reconstruction team responded to the scene and secured the crucial evidence that would ultimately prove the defendant driver’s negligence. Our team uncovered footage from a local business’s surveillance video that captured the defendant’s vehicle failing to yield the right of way for our client. The quick, efficient action of our investigative team ultimately led to the settlement and dismissal of all of the moving traffic citations.
An Orange County man suffered orthopedic injuries to both legs as a result of a 2022 motor vehicle collision.
Our Commitment to Fighting Against Biker Bias
Our mission is clear: demand full compensation, explore every effective legal strategy, pursue your claim aggressively, maximize your recovery, and get you every penny possible. Let us fight for you and your family. Call us for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation at (845) 303-8777 or simply contact us online.